Count Name Created
1003 CBS NARO 1.0 | Which of the following crops is most important to you and why? Mar 18, 2019 17:18
990 DELTA CM2 1.7 | How can government prevent delays in infrastructure projects that require land acquisition? Feb 12, 2019 18:09
357 OPEN GATE CM2 1.7 | How can government prevent delays in infrastructure projects that require land acquisition? Feb 12, 2019 18:07
1448 MEGA CM2 1.7 | How can government prevent delays in infrastructure projects that require land acquisition? Feb 12, 2019 18:04
639 BABA CM2 1.7 | How can government prevent delays in infrastructure projects that require land acquisition? Feb 12, 2019 18:02
1283 SIMBA CM2 1.7 | How can government prevent delays in infrastructure projects that require land acquisition? Feb 12, 2019 17:59
220 PACIS CM2 1.7 | How can government prevent delays in infrastructure projects that require land acquisition? Feb 12, 2019 17:57
120 AKICA CM2 1.7 | How can government prevent delays in infrastructure projects that require land acquisition? Feb 12, 2019 17:55
1575 HITS CM2 1.7 | How can government prevent delays in infrastructure projects that require land acquisition? Feb 12, 2019 17:53
936 HUNTER CM2 1.7 | How can government prevent delays in infrastructure projects that require land acquisition? Feb 12, 2019 17:50
497 WA CM2 1.7 | How can government prevent delays in infrastructure projects that require land acquisition? Feb 12, 2019 17:46
447 WA CM2 1.6 | What is the biggest barrier to accessing justice on land matters in your community? Jan 27, 2019 14:09
1220 HUNTER CM2 1.6 | What is the biggest barrier to accessing justice on land matters in your community? Jan 27, 2019 14:04
1598 HITS CM2 1.6 | What is the biggest barrier to accessing justice on land matters in your community? Jan 27, 2019 13:58
306 AKICA CM2 1.6 | What is the biggest barrier to accessing justice on land matters in your community? Jan 27, 2019 13:50
550 PACIS CM2 1.6 | What is the biggest barrier to accessing justice on land matters in your community? Jan 27, 2019 13:43
1871 SIMBA CM2 1.6 | What is the biggest barrier to accessing justice on land matters in your community? Jan 27, 2019 13:37
1218 BABA CM2 1.6 | What is the biggest barrier to accessing justice on land matters in your community? Jan 27, 2019 13:28
1226 MEGA CM2 1.6 | What is the biggest barrier to accessing justice on land matters in your community? Jan 27, 2019 13:22
646 OPEN GATE CM2 1.6 | What is the biggest barrier to accessing justice on land matters in your community? Jan 27, 2019 13:18
790 DELTA CM2 1.6 | What is the biggest barrier to accessing justice on land matters in your community? Jan 27, 2019 13:08
610 OPEN GATE CM2 1.5 | What is the major barrier for women to own land in your area? Jan 15, 2019 11:33
1377 MEGA CM2 1.5 | What is the major barrier for women to own land in your area? Jan 15, 2019 11:30
973 BABA CM2 1.5 | What is the major barrier for women to own land in your area? Jan 15, 2019 10:47
1934 SIMBA CM2 1.5 | What is the major barrier for women to own land in your area? Jan 15, 2019 10:43
Results 601-625 of 2558