Count Name Created
344 HCTV BBC 1.1: sidee ayaad ula qabsanaysaan qiima kodhodhka nolosha oo uu sababay sicir bararka ka jira Somaliland? Jun 08, 2017 10:26
286 HITS CM 4.3: What is your impression of government-aided private schools that are implementing USE? Jun 08, 2017 00:28
643 SIMBA HEPS 1.0: Where do you normally get medicine when you or a member of your family falls sick? Jun 06, 2017 10:26
1157 BABA HEPS 1.0: Where do you normally get medicine when you or a member of your family falls sick? Jun 06, 2017 10:17
780 WA CM 4.3: What is your impression of government-aided private schools that are implementing USE? Jun 05, 2017 01:11
49 NENAH CM 4.3: What is your impression of government-aided private schools that are implementing USE? Jun 05, 2017 01:08
244 HUNTER CM 4.3: What is your impression of government-aided private schools that are implementing USE? Jun 05, 2017 01:05
517 MEGA CM 4.3: What is your impression of government-aided private schools that are implementing USE? Jun 05, 2017 01:01
405 PACIS CM 4.3: What is your impression of government-aided private schools that are implementing USE? Jun 05, 2017 00:58
1397 DELTA CM 4.3: What is your impression of government-aided private schools that are implementing USE? Jun 05, 2017 00:52
181 KIIRA CM 4.3: What is your impression of government-aided private schools that are implementing USE? Jun 05, 2017 00:44
9 Sidee baad u maamushaa kharashkaaga dheeraadka ah ee u sababay sicir bararka ka jira Somaliland May 24, 2017 12:13
232 HUNTER CM 4.2: How informed are you as a parent about the financial accountability at your child’s USE school? May 21, 2017 23:33
47 NENAH CM 4.2: How informed are you as a parent about the financial accountability at your child’s USE school? May 21, 2017 23:30
229 WA CM 4.2: How informed are you as a parent about the financial accountability at your child’s USE school? May 21, 2017 23:28
161 HITS CM 4.2: How informed are you as a parent about the financial accountability at your child’s USE school? May 21, 2017 23:24
910 MEGA CM 4.2: How informed are you as a parent about the financial accountability at your child’s USE school? May 21, 2017 23:17
379 PACIS CM 4.2: How informed are you as a parent about the financial accountability at your child’s USE school? May 21, 2017 23:13
1121 SIMBA CM 4.2: How informed are you as a parent about the financial accountability at your child’s USE school? May 21, 2017 22:46
1507 DELTA CM 4.2: How informed are you as a parent about the financial accountability at your child’s USE school? May 21, 2017 22:41
120 KIIRA CM 4.2: How informed are you as a parent about the financial accountability at your child’s USE school? May 21, 2017 22:36
20 Test poll BBC somalia May 17, 2017 16:12
243 KIIRA CM 4.1: What is the most important factor for choosing the school for a child? May 07, 2017 13:00
112 DELTA CM 4.1: What is the most important factor for choosing the school for a child? May 07, 2017 12:57
1068 SIMBA CM 4.1: What is the most important factor for choosing the school for a child? May 07, 2017 12:55
Results 801-825 of 2558