Count Name Created
954 STA2.9: Why are people staying quiet on corruption in their community? May 15, 2016 05:49
92 STA2.9: Why are people staying quiet on corruption in their community? May 15, 2016 05:47
996 STA2.9: Why are people staying quiet on corruption in their community? May 15, 2016 05:44
263 STA2.9: Why are people staying quiet on corruption in their community? May 15, 2016 05:40
5 STA2.9: Why are people staying quiet on corruption in their community? May 15, 2016 05:38
29 STA2.9: Why are people staying quiet on corruption in their community? May 15, 2016 05:35
93 STA2.9: Why are people staying quiet on corruption in their community? May 15, 2016 05:32
76 STA2.9: Why are people staying quiet on corruption in their community? May 15, 2016 05:29
955 HEPS3: Have you ever taken action in your community to address drug stockout of contraceptives? May 10, 2016 15:37
140 HEPS3: Have you ever taken action in your community to address drug stockout of contraceptives? May 10, 2016 15:28
5 HEPS2: What family planning method do you prefer to use? May 07, 2016 22:13
104 STA2.8: Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe to get medical treatment in a government facility? May 07, 2016 21:58
137 STA2.8: Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe to get medical treatment in a government facility? May 07, 2016 21:56
89 STA2.8: Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe to get medical treatment in a government facility? May 07, 2016 21:54
37 STA2.8: Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe to get medical treatment in a government facility? May 07, 2016 21:45
8 STA2.8: Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe to get medical treatment in a government facility? May 07, 2016 21:43
255 STA2.8: Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe to get medical treatment in a government facility? May 07, 2016 21:41
1054 STA2.8: Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe to get medical treatment in a government facility? May 07, 2016 21:38
1990 STA2.8: Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe to get medical treatment in a government facility? May 07, 2016 21:31
252 STA2.8: Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe to get medical treatment in a government facility? May 07, 2016 21:28
393 STA2.7: Should the members of parliament be exempted from being taxed? Apr 30, 2016 11:34
812 STA2.7: Should the members of parliament be exempted from being taxed? Apr 30, 2016 11:30
904 STA2.7: Should the members of parliament be exempted from being taxed? Apr 30, 2016 11:28
247 STA2.7: Should the members of parliament be exempted from being taxed? Apr 30, 2016 11:26
1 STA2.7: Should the members of parliament be exempted from being taxed? Apr 30, 2016 10:54
Results 1151-1175 of 2558