Count Name Created
49 HEPS3: In the last three months did you try to obtain a family planning method that was unavailable? Apr 21, 2016 15:35
883 HEPS3: In the last three months did you try to obtain a family planning method that was unavailable Apr 21, 2016 15:31
406 HEPS2: What family planning method do you prefer to use? Apr 17, 2016 23:37
110 STA2.5: How do you suggest that radio stations can improve in serving you better? Apr 16, 2016 00:35
378 STA2.5: How do you suggest that radio stations can improve in serving you better? Apr 16, 2016 00:32
762 STA2.5: How do you suggest that radio stations can improve in serving you better? Apr 16, 2016 00:29
19 STA2.5: How do you suggest that radio stations can improve in serving you better? Apr 16, 2016 00:27
80 STA2.5: How do you suggest that radio stations can improve in serving you better? Apr 16, 2016 00:23
59 STA2.5: How do you suggest that radio stations can improve in serving you better? Apr 16, 2016 00:20
190 STA2.5: How do you suggest that radio stations can improve in serving you better? Apr 16, 2016 00:17
764 STA2.5: How do you suggest that radio stations can improve in serving you better? Apr 16, 2016 00:12
3 STA2.5: How do you suggest that radio stations can improve in serving you better? Apr 14, 2016 15:11
213 My Children 2.1: What nutritious crop would you suggest Florence to grow to feed her family? Apr 11, 2016 00:06
15 My Children 2.1: What nutritious crop would you suggest Florence to grow to feed her family? Apr 11, 2016 00:04
213 My Children 2.1: What nutritious crop would you suggest Florence to grow to feed her family? Apr 11, 2016 00:01
180 My Children 2.1: What nutritious crop would you suggest Florence to grow to feed her family? Apr 10, 2016 23:57
3 HEPS2: How important is it to have a range of family planning methods available? Apr 07, 2016 17:00
1 STA2.4: What is the main reason for girls dropping out of schools? Apr 07, 2016 12:28
390 STA2.4: What is the main reason for girls dropping out of schools? Apr 07, 2016 12:18
116 STA2.4: What is the main reason for girls dropping out of schools? Apr 07, 2016 12:16
440 STA2.4: What is the main reason for girls dropping out of schools? Apr 07, 2016 12:14
418 STA2.4: What is the main reason for girls dropping out of schools? Apr 07, 2016 12:09
42 STA2.4: What is the main reason for girls dropping out of schools? Apr 07, 2016 12:07
831 STA2.4: What is the main reason for girls dropping out of schools? Apr 07, 2016 12:05
278 STA2.4: What is the main reason for girls dropping out of schools? Apr 07, 2016 12:02
Results 1201-1225 of 2558