Count Name Created
17 What form of corruption is most damaging to Uganda? Nov 17, 2015 15:34
199 Would you pay 50k to be connected to a piped water scheme? Nov 17, 2015 14:25
432 STA5: What form of corruption is most damaging to Uganda? Nov 17, 2015 13:35
210 STA5: What form of corruption is most damaging to Uganda? Nov 17, 2015 11:18
225 STA5: What form of corruption is most damaging to Uganda? Nov 17, 2015 11:12
222 STA4: What is the most urgent challenge affecting your health facility? Nov 17, 2015 10:49
481 STA3: Has Uganda’s economic growth increased your standard of living? Nov 12, 2015 13:41
634 STA5: What form of corruption is most damaging to Uganda? Nov 12, 2015 11:35
237 STA5: What form of corruption is most damaging to Uganda? Nov 12, 2015 11:32
182 STA5: What form of corruption is most damaging to Uganda? Nov 12, 2015 11:29
297 STA5: What form of corruption is most damaging to Uganda? Nov 12, 2015 11:23
77 STA5: What form of corruption is most damaging to Uganda? Nov 12, 2015 11:19
524 STA4: What is the most urgent challenge affecting your health facility? Nov 10, 2015 14:37
861 STA3: Has Uganda’s economic growth increased your standard of living? Nov 10, 2015 12:47
149 STA4: What is the most urgent challenge affecting your health facility? Nov 10, 2015 12:31
430 STA2: What is the best way for government to empower the youth? Nov 09, 2015 18:53
158 STA1: What should the government's priority be in the next five years? Nov 08, 2015 19:18
195 STA4: What is the most urgent challenge affecting your health facility? Nov 05, 2015 16:53
86 STA4: What is the most urgent challenge affecting your health facility? Nov 05, 2015 16:51
226 STA4: What is the most urgent challenge affecting your health facility? Nov 05, 2015 16:22
273 STA4: What is the most urgent challenge affecting your health facility? Nov 05, 2015 14:33
13 STA3: Has Uganda’s economic growth increased your standard of living? Nov 05, 2015 13:30
128 STA3: Has Uganda’s economic growth increased your standard of living? Nov 05, 2015 12:55
124 Does everyone in your community have access to a latrine? Nov 04, 2015 18:48
1198 HEPS2: How important is it to have a range of family planning methods available? Nov 04, 2015 18:35
Results 1376-1400 of 2558