Count Name Created
719 Would you like to have access to a piped-water scheme? Dec 16, 2014 12:42
52 Do you know someone who has left Arua for greener pastures? Dec 15, 2014 15:06
22 Which issue concerning vulnerable groups do you feel needs to take center stage in your district? Dec 15, 2014 14:44
65 Which issue concerning vulnerable groups do you feel needs to take center stage in your district? Dec 15, 2014 14:30
2057 Which of the following can best reduce dependence on charcoal? Dec 15, 2014 13:24
141 How do you access electricity in your district? Dec 15, 2014 13:01
1353 How do you access electricity in your district? Dec 15, 2014 12:50
174 In your opinion, which of the two is a better way to spend your money? Dec 12, 2014 15:42
32 How often do you experience load shedding in your region? Dec 09, 2014 19:55
221 Are the lives of marginalized groups like women and disabled people, improved by the leaders elected to represent them? Dec 08, 2014 14:48
1119 Do you understand how the new pre-paid billing system ‘Yaka’ operates? Dec 08, 2014 14:12
1394 How often do you experience load shedding in your region? Dec 08, 2014 10:59
919 Who benefits most from the piped-water schemes? Dec 02, 2014 17:21
1038 How can the government improve service delivery in the energy/electricity sector? Dec 02, 2014 13:28
35 What do you think is the best weapon to fight HIV/AIDS? Dec 02, 2014 12:42
1195 What do you think is the best weapon to fight HIV/AIDS? Dec 02, 2014 12:32
12 Why is your relative, or your friend’s relative, not in secondary school when they should be? Dec 01, 2014 08:06
280 What do you think is the best weapon to fight HIV/AIDS? Dec 01, 2014 07:05
12 What do you think is the best weapon to fight HIV/AIDS? Dec 01, 2014 07:01
26 Have you, or anyone you know, had their business affected by new road works, power lines and other government infrastructure? Nov 26, 2014 09:43
212 If you are paying off a bank loan, what did you borrow the money for? Nov 26, 2014 09:12
126 Would you be okay with the government taxing compensation you receive from it? Nov 25, 2014 14:18
104 Would you be okay with the government taxing compensation you receive from it? Nov 25, 2014 12:07
568 In your opinion, which of these offices has most effectively carried out its duties in your region? Nov 25, 2014 10:33
38 How can leaders improve citizen participation in community work for improved service delivery? Nov 25, 2014 09:38
Results 1701-1725 of 2558