Count Name Created
186 How do you think Rolland should call the children he has abandoned with Florence? - LIBERTY FM Jan 16, 2014 12:59
79 Which area of service delivery should be prioritized to improve the living standards in the Lango region? Jan 16, 2014 12:35
128 Which area of service delivery should be prioritized to improve the living standards in the Rwenzori region? Jan 16, 2014 10:20
211 Why do you think that majority of the people are willing to wait for the next elections to vote out LC5 leaders who dont perform Jan 16, 2014 10:17
96 When you leave the cracks on the mound open, the weevils pass through and attack the tubers. - KIBAALE Jan 15, 2014 20:00
45 Which area of service delivery should be prioritized to improve the living standards in West Nile region? Jan 15, 2014 17:19
191 How do you rate the performance of your health Centre in service provision in 2013? Jan 15, 2014 11:54
100 How do you think Rolland should call the children he has abandoned with Florence? - CBS FM Jan 15, 2014 08:35
201 How do you think Rolland should call the children he has abandoned with Florence? - VOICE OF MUHABURA Jan 13, 2014 14:10
356 Have you ever heard of, tasted or planted orange sweet potatoes? - VOICE OF KIGEZI Jan 13, 2014 14:01
176 Have you ever heard of, tasted or planted orange sweet potatoes? - RADIO WA Jan 13, 2014 13:57
133 If you have been following this story critically, what do think it is about? - VOICE OF KAMWENGE Jan 13, 2014 13:54
374 Which of the following sweet potato is rich in Vitamin A? - MEGA FM Jan 13, 2014 11:26
118 If you have been following this story critically, what do think it is about? - RADIO WEST Jan 13, 2014 11:13
60 If you have been following this story critically, what do think it is about? - KBS Jan 12, 2014 11:51
151 When you leave the cracks on the mound open, the weevils pass through and attack the tubers. - LIBERTY FM Jan 09, 2014 13:42
143 Do you now understand what vitamin A is and why you need it in your body? - KIBAALE COMMUNITY Jan 09, 2014 11:19
269 When you leave the cracks on the mound open, the weevils pass through and attack the tubers. - VOICE OF MUHABURA Jan 06, 2014 20:09
295 Have you ever heard of, tasted or planted orange sweet potatoes? - VOICE OF KAMWENGE Jan 06, 2014 20:03
576 How do you think Rolland should call the children he has abandoned with Florence? - VOICE OF KIGEZI Jan 06, 2014 19:38
322 How do you think Rolland should call the children he has abandoned with Florence? - RADIO WA Jan 06, 2014 11:41
234 If you have been following this story critically, what do think it is about? - MEGA FM Jan 06, 2014 11:37
102 Have you ever heard of, tasted or planted orange sweet potatoes? - KBS Jan 04, 2014 14:22
293 Have you ever heard of, tasted or planted orange sweet potatoes? - RADIO WEST Jan 04, 2014 14:22
326 When you leave the cracks on the mound open, the weevils pass through and attack the tubers. - RADIO WA Dec 30, 2013 13:58
Results 1951-1975 of 2558