What do you think causes drugs to run out of stock in health centers?
Back ground
On November 10, 2011, The
Observer newspaper ran a story on one Fred Twinomugisha, a five-year-old living
with AIDS, ‘rotting’ because of not receiving his ARVs for the last five months
due to a stock-out at his health center in Sembabule district.
Services in public health facilities are supposed to be
free, but in many cases, health workers extort money from patients desperate
for services.
Units also often don’t have drugs meaning that patients have to
buy them from pharmacies or other drug sellers.
In 2007–2008, the duration of stock outs in public health
facilities averaged 72.9 days per year. Only 45.7% of public facilities had a
basket of 28 essential medicines.
What do you think causes drugs to run out of stock in health
A. Low funding of health sector
B. Poor coordination and of drug distribution
C. Stealing of the drugs by officials in charge
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