Have you ever seen a female condom?
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According to the 2011 National HIV indicator survey, 1.4 million Ugandans are living with HIV. According to Daudi Ocheng, the head of communications at Uganda Health Marketing Group (UHMG), the use of the female condom would contribute to the fight against AIDS because it places power in the woman’s hands, and can be worn 12 hours in advance, so that in case of poor negotiations for sex, she is always prepared.
However, in a story published in the East African in December 2013, Sarah Opendi, the Minister in charge of primary health care, said that the government may stop buying female condoms because they are over four times more expensive to purchase than the male condoms, and they are not being utilized by women who she said are too shy to buy them.
Have you ever seen a female condom?
A. Yes
B. No
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