This poll has completed. It ran from April 6, 2015, 3:16 p.m. through April 20, 2015, 3:33 p.m.

Will providing lunch to primary and secondary school students improve performance and reduce absenteeism?

Recently, Uganda's Trade and Industry Minister Amelia Kyambadde left residents dumbfounded when she wept at the sight of hungry children during a school fundraiser in Mpigi town council. 

Namabo Primary school in Kafumu Parish is just one of the many schools across the country where pupils are studying on an empty stomach.   However, the Ministry of Education and sports has now asked primary schools across the country to feed their students in a bid to curb absenteeism and poor performance tagged to hunger.

Speaking to New Vision on February 20, 2015 Education minister Jessica Alupo said that school authorities should talk with parents on ways of feeding children.

In 2010, there were over 8.7 million children studying in Ugandan primary schools- with more than of a half of that number not being fed in schools. Owing to the high dropout rates partially fuelled by lack of meals in schools in Uganda, a 2014 report by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established that completion rate is low, affecting access rates to the subsequent cycles.  

"School management committees, board of governors and parents and teachers' associations are urged to feed all children at school without fail," said Alupo.

Will providing lunch to primary and secondary school students improve performance and reduce absenteeism?

A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know

Go to messages on your phone and type HITS and the name of your DISTRICT followed by either A, B, or C. Leave a short comment explaining your answer. Send your message to 8585. This SMS is totally FREE OF CHARGE

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Plot 40 Kakungulu Road,
Ntinda, Kampala Uganda.
Tel: +256 781 474 965