Do you believe that making annulments easier may to lead to more Catholic marriages dissolving?
Pope Francis on Tuesday (Sept 8) made it
easier, quicker and free for Catholics to have their marriages annulled under
reforms. Critics of the old system including Pope Francis himself had attacked
it as a needlessly bureaucratic, expensive and unfair.
While Pope Francis is seeking to democratise the
procedure in a way that would appear to make an increase in the number of
annulments likely, his letter does not amend the exceptional conditions under
which they can be granted. Still, the reforms have been regarded with suspicion
by conservatives who fear he may be opening the door to Church-approved
Do you believe that making annulments easier may to lead
to more Catholic marriages dissolving?
a. Yes because the
long process gave people time for reconciliation
b. Yes, now people
will enter marriage easily because there’s now an easy way out
c. No because our
society is still very strict
d. No because many
marriages were already a sham
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