Who should teach the youth about HIV/AIDS?
The prevalence rate of HIV is rising since the success story of the 1990s and early 2000s. 7.3% of the population in Uganda between the ages of 15-49 is said to be HIV+ according to UNAIDS. Lack of education about HIV, especially amongst the youth has been cited as one of the main problems.
Young people seem unaware and uninformed about HIV. According to a Uganda AIDS indicator survey, only 39% of youths between 15 & 24 know all the necessary facts about how to prevent HIV/AIDS.
According to Rosie Nasejje, adolescent counselor for The AIDS Support Organization (TASO), “Most youth are ignorant to how heavy the disease is. They just don’t fear the disease like we used to because they don’t see people sick and dying from it like in the past.”
Who should teach the youth about HIV/AIDS?
A. Schools
B. Parents
C. Gov't & non-gov't institutions
D. Church
E. Fellow youth (peer to peer)
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