STA1: What should the government's priority be in the next five years?
In a few months you will have the chance to vote, and we want to know what issues matter to you in these elections. That is why we are working together with 10 other radio stations throughout Uganda. Together, we are asking people about issues that matter. Join the debate by sending in your opinion. This week, we are talking about government priorities.
In the next fiscal year, the government will spend 12,346.4 billion shilling of tax-payer’s money. On top of that, it will take out loans and get funding from abroad. Politicians will have to make a choice on what issues to prioritize.
What should the government's priority be in the next five years?
A. Infrastructure (Water, electricity, roads etc.)
B. Healthcare
C. National security
D. Fighting unemployment
E. Education
F. Other [leave a comment]
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