Who would you think can be the best watchdog for the UPE funds in your schools?
Background:. We want to know who or what group should address this problem by monitoring. There is Top-down, middle management and bottom up monitors.
Question: Who would you think can be the best watchdog for the UPE funds in your schools?
A: DEO (district education officer)& School inspectors,
B: School Management Committees?
C: Parents & Parent teacher associations
D: Other, please specify
Instructions: Send in WA followed by the NAME OF YOUR DISTRICT and either A, B, C or D. Send this to 8585 free of charge!
Additional: Please mention advantages and disadvantages of each monitoring group. We see that the people who are supposed to be watchdogs for UPE funds are often compromised and are part of the corruption. Although parents might not be compromised so easily, they do not have the power to actually punish a headmaster (unlike the DEO). The other group (C) might not be very informed or skilled in monitoring embezzlement of school funds..
Other results of earlier poll:
37% said overcrowded classrooms is the biggest problem
Geo-mapped data