Have you witnessed an improvement in rural roads in your sub county over the past year?
Background: The ministry of works has received increased funding in the past year to work on roads. Savior FM together with the UDN community monitors would like to know from you if you think your roads have improved. You can participate by sending in a free SMS answering the following question. All SMS will be counted and we will discuss the results of this poll in the Adukoto Akwab show on saturday at 6pm.
Question: Have you witnessed an improvement in rural roads in your sub county over the past year?
A - A lot
B - A little
C - Not at all
Instructions: Go to messages on your phone and type in the word SAVIOR followed by either A, B or C and your comment and send this to 8585. Remember to always first type SAVIOR and A, B or C and after this you can give your comment!
Sending in your SMS is free of charge and no airtime will be deducted from your phone! Only your first SMS will be counted! Send in your answer to the question now! .. (Repeat the question)..
Remember to listen to our discussion with community monitors on this subject on Saturday from 6pm to 7pm