STA2.12: Which sector should be given more money by the government in the National Budget?
In 2015, the Government of Uganda spent a record 24 trillion shillings in the national budget, an increase of almost 9 trillion shillings from the previous year. Government revenues accounted for less than half of the total expenditures: more than 55% of the budget was money that was borrowed. Debt payment and infrastructure had the highest percentage of budget allocation (see graph for last year's allocation):
The 2016/2017 National Budget will be read in Parliament this week, and we want to discuss what Uganda should spend its money on.
Which sector should be given more money by the government in the National Budget?
a) Health - hospitals, doctors, medical supplies
b) Education - teachers, schools, universities
c) Agriculture - financial support, subsidies
d) Security - police, military
e) Infrastructure - roads, water, energy
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