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This poll has completed. It ran from Aug. 1, 2016, 12:06 a.m. through Aug. 7, 2016, 5:17 p.m.
STA2.20: Which of the following describes your view of police best?
The Uganda Police’s duty is to maintain law and order, and work to make the Ugandan people feel safe. In recent times, the police force has been in the limelight for brutality and corruption.
The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) 18th annual report was released few days ago, and for the eighth year in a row, the police have been pinpointed as the leading abusers of human rights in the country by the agency charged with tracking rights' violations.
Which of the following describes your view of police best? a) They are corrupt and unreliable, I don’t trust them to protect me
b) They are trying to do their job, but they don’t have enough resources
c) They are too aggressive and violent
d) They are doing an excellent job, I have no complaints