'To Ocakacon: The options you gave are all very costly and could be a solution if there was actual budget for them. At this moment, you know that even increasing salaries of the current teachers is a problem. Thats why I think you should mention that for building new schools/classrooms and hiring more teachers, an additional tax or school fee will have to be paid to pay for this. The money does not grow on trees. In that sense the option of allowing only a limited number of children to join the UPE program would be an alternative. Another option could be that the community helps to restore old and dilapidated classrooms and renovate them. By sketching a clear picture of the problem at hand you can make your listeners think about the problem and let them make an informed choice. It is therefor very important to give the background information
"What can government do to improve overcrowded classrooms in UPE schools in acholi sub region?"
A: Build more schools and classrooms
B: Let community members help to restore old classrooms
C: Employ more teachers
D: Limit the amount of children who can join the UPE program (like only three per family)
Send GULU followed by either A,B, C or D to 8585,
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