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This poll has completed. It ran from Sept. 5, 2012, 8:36 p.m. through Sept. 13, 2012, 12:28 a.m.
Which district in Acholi sub-region has the worst roads of the entire sub-region?
Which district in Acholi sub-region has the worst roads of the entire sub-region?
Instructions: Go to messages on your phone, type in the word STUDIO followed by the NAME OF THE DISTRICT which you think has the worst roads in Acholi. Send this message to 8585, FREE of charge!
Only your first vote will be added to this poll, so there is no use in sending you vote twice!
Results by location
No responses for:
Oyam (Lango region),
Kole (Lango region),
Arua (West-Nile region),
Yumbe (West-nile region),
Lira (Lango region),
Buliisa (Western region),
Apac (Lango region)
Geo-mapped data