Do you think cooperatives hold the key to food security in Uganda?
BACKGROUND: 16th, October is UN World Food Day dedicated to raising awareness of the problems facing the global supply of food. This year’s theme World Food Day was – “Agricultural cooperatives: key to feeding the world”. 1. satisfying its members’ needs, and 2. pursuing profit and sustainability. This theme was chosen to highlight the concrete ways in which agricultural cooperatives and producer organizations help to provide food security, generate employment, and lift people out of poverty. However, despite the growing amount of cooperatives in Uganda, food prices on the local markets in and outside Kampala have continued to skyrocket. In the rural areas where most of the farmers are based, food remains scarce because climate change has greatly impacted on food production. QUESTION:
Go to Messages Type SANYU followed by either YES, NO or DONT KNOW and send to 8282.
Only the first answer will be considered.