Which of the following do you think is the major factor affecting the performance of health attendants?
Long queues have been realised at most of the health facilities in the west Nile region.
The patients have reported that in some cases they have gone back home without treatment.
last week’s poll we asked our listeners to rate the services offered by
health attendants at the health facilities in their areas.
471 people responded to last week's poll:
226 said the health services are FAIR
133 said the health services are POOR
74 said the health services are GOOD while
33 people said that the health services are excellent
Which of the following do you think is the major factor affecting the performance of health attendants?
A: Shortage in the number of healthcare workers
B: Lack of properly trained health staff at the health centres
C: Poor governance in the health sector.
D: Less motivated staff at the health facilities.
E: Problem with the patients who go to the health centres
Instructions: Go to messages on your phone type in PACIS followed by either A,
B, C, D, E and send this to 8585. FREE of charge.
Only your first vote will be added to this poll. Keep listening to this program
for poll results!