Which of the following is the most sustainable solution to safe water supply that should be a priority in the budget?
to presenter: Please explain what the options are, give some background
on what NWSC is or what you mean with a 'shallow well'. We want people
to make an informed choice!
people in the villages have no access to clean water. They fetch water
from rivers or swamps which are in most cases contaminated.
district water departments are obliged to the provision of safe water
supply. Districts therefore commit funds to among others; rehabilitate
existing water points that were abandoned or damaged due to the past
insurgencies here in northern Uganda. One of the criterion (also
supported by our previous polls) for any rehabilitation and construction
activities should be based on demand responsive approach involving the
users or beneficiaries at the grassroots in planning procedures.
results of our previous poll show that 30% of the people fetch water
from boreholes, another 30% from rivers and swamps. 28% from wells while
only 2 percent have access to tap water.
Which of the following is the most sustainable solution to safe water supply that should be priority by the government?
A: Piped water repair or extension
B: Borehole maintenance
C: Shallow well construction and protection
D: Extend NWSC water system
Go to Messages, type STUDIO followed by either A, B, C or D and send to 8585. FREE of charge