This poll has completed. It ran from March 21, 2013, 3:44 p.m. through March 27, 2013, 6:12 p.m.

What is the best solution to prevent or reduce alcohol consumption in West Nile?

West Nile region has registered a number of deaths related to alcohol consumption. But despite this, the rate of alcohol consumption remains high.

A recent poll question shows that unemployment is the leading cause of alcoholism in Northern Uganda followed by emotional problems. Poverty and cultural pressure remain also remain significant causes of alcoholism.

Today we are looking for the best solution to prevent or reduce alcohol consumption in West Nile


What is the best solution to prevent or reduce alcohol consumption in West Nile?
A. Set a by-law for alcohol brewery
B. Bars should open at 5Pm and close by 10Pm
C. Ban on alcohol in sachets
D. Create more employment opportunities
E.  Provide free counseling for people who drink a lot
F. Sensitization about dangers of alcohol
G. Other (please specify)

Go to messages on your phone type in PACIS followed by either A, B, C, D, E, F or G and send to 8585. FREE of charge

Only your first vote will be added to this poll. Keep listening to this program for poll results!

The results of this poll question show views and opinions of the listeners of Radio PACIS ARUA who texted in during a live radio talk-show answering the above question.

39.4 %24.1 %9.6 %9.4 %9.1 %6.7 %1.8 %0.9 %A. Set a by-law for alcohol breweryC. Ban on alcohol in sachetsF. Sensitization about dangers of alcoholB. Bars should open at 5Pm and close by 10PmD. Create more employment opportunitiesE. Provide free counseling for people who drink a lotG. Others (please specify)Unknown0102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190
Response timeline12:0021. Mar12:0022. Mar12:0023. Mar12:0024. Mar12:0025. Mar12:0026. Mar12:0027. Mar12:00050100150200


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Ntinda, Kampala Uganda.
Tel: +256 781 474 965