If your district received some of the returned funds, what would you have used them for?
Local governments have returned Shillings 32 Billion to the treasury which they were unable to spend in 2011/2012 financial year.??
This was revealed by state minister for finance in charge of general duties, Fred Omach.??
“Each district had a different reason for not using the money”. The minister told MPs on budget committee. (New Vision 14th May 2013)
If your district received some of the returned funds, what would you have used them for?
A. Promote entrepreneurship
B. Improve healthcare
C. Improve education
D. Improve district administration
E. Repair roads
F. Promote agriculture
G. Other (Specify)
Go to messages on your phone type in WA
followed by name of your district and either A, B, C, D, E, F or G and send to 8585.
FREE of charge
Only your first vote will be added to this poll. Keep listening to this program for poll results!
The results of this poll question show views and opinions of the listeners of Radio WA who texted in during a live radio talk-show answering the above question.
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