We work together with NGOs and civil organizations on a number of projects. These include:
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the following groups, trusts and foundations who gave to Trac FM. Without these donors, we would not be able to set up innovative platforms in Africa and give citizens a voice. We would like to make special mention of the following donors:
- Farm Radio International
- Free Press Unlimited
- Vitens Evides International
- BBC Media Action
- Harvest Plus
- Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development - HEPS Uganda
- Action Group for Human Rights & HIV/AIDs - AGHA
- Ministry of Water & Sanitation Uganda
- Toro Development Network - Toro dev
- Reach A Hand Uganda - RAHU
- Trias
- Uganda Women's Network - UWONET
- National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda - NUDIPU
- Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International - CABI
- Center for Health, Human Rights and Development - CEHURD
- ICT Policy Centre for Eastern and Southern Africa - CIPESA
- Initiative for Social and Economic Rights - ISER
- Environmental Alert - EA
- PELUM Association
- Women's International Peace Centre - WIPC
- International Center for Transitional Justice - ICTJ
- Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group - CSBAG
- See You Foundation
- National Agricultural Research Organisation - NARO
- Bioversity International
- IITA Uganda
- Population Services International, Uganda - PSIU
- Avocats Sans Frontières - ASF
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the following groups, trusts and foundations who gave to Trac FM. Without these donors, we would not be able to set up innovative platforms in Africa and give citizens a voice. We would like to make special mention of the following donors:
- Hivos
- Twaweza
- MAVC (Making all voices count)
- Omidyar
- The Indigo Trust
Radio Partners

We work in partnership with community radio stations in various countries on different projects.
1. Hits FM - Mbarara & Fort Portal
2. Mega FM - Gulu
3. Delta FM (Soroti)
4. Radio Wa
5. Life FM 93.8 FM - Fort Portal
6. Radio Pacis - Arua
7. Radio Pacis - Gulu
8. Radio West - Mbarara
9. Voice of Muhabura - Kisoro
10. Voice of Kigezi
11. Voice of Kamwenge
12. Step FM
13. Kings Broadcasting (Masindi)
14. CBS FM - Kampala
15. Endigyito Radio
16. Gagadi Kibaale Community Radio
17. Liberty FM - Kibaale
18. Hunter FM
19. Kamuli Broadcasting Service (KBS) - Kamuli
20. Sanyu FM 88.2
21. Kiira FM - Jinja
22. Bugwere FM - Budaka
23. Kaaro FM - Lyantonde
24. Voice of Bundibugyo-Bundibugyo
25. Voice of Kramoja
26. Kiboga FM
27. Nenah FM - Moroto
28. Akica FM
29. NBS FM - Jinja
30. Joy FM - Kampala
31. Savior FM
32. Simba FM
33. Baba FM
34. Atekere FM
35. Open Gate FM
36. Bus FM
37. Radio Taifa
38. Radio Hargeisa
39. Horn Cable TV
40. Pratiboth FM
1. Hits FM - Mbarara & Fort Portal
2. Mega FM - Gulu
3. Delta FM (Soroti)
4. Radio Wa
5. Life FM 93.8 FM - Fort Portal
6. Radio Pacis - Arua
7. Radio Pacis - Gulu
8. Radio West - Mbarara
9. Voice of Muhabura - Kisoro
10. Voice of Kigezi
11. Voice of Kamwenge
12. Step FM
13. Kings Broadcasting (Masindi)
14. CBS FM - Kampala
15. Endigyito Radio
16. Gagadi Kibaale Community Radio
17. Liberty FM - Kibaale
18. Hunter FM
19. Kamuli Broadcasting Service (KBS) - Kamuli
20. Sanyu FM 88.2
21. Kiira FM - Jinja
22. Bugwere FM - Budaka
23. Kaaro FM - Lyantonde
24. Voice of Bundibugyo-Bundibugyo
25. Voice of Kramoja
26. Kiboga FM
27. Nenah FM - Moroto
28. Akica FM
29. NBS FM - Jinja
30. Joy FM - Kampala
31. Savior FM
32. Simba FM
33. Baba FM
34. Atekere FM
35. Open Gate FM
36. Bus FM
37. Radio Taifa
38. Radio Hargeisa
39. Horn Cable TV
40. Pratiboth FM
41. Bheri FM
42. Radio Sindhu
43. Radio Melamchi.
42. Radio Sindhu
43. Radio Melamchi.