On the recent World Radio Day, TRAC FM, Farm Radio International and 10 Ugandan Radio stations asked a question to their listeners:
"What do you love about Radio?"
In less than 48 hours we had a total of 5373 responses.
One of the major findings is, even though the number of women using radio and information and communication technology tools has increased, women participation is still very low. In this poll question ONLY 28% of the respondents were women.
People who participated in this poll sent their responses via TRAC FM's toll free SMS (short messaging service) line.
The following interactive infographics by Bartholomew Sullivan tells the story.
World Radio Day Poll Question: Opinions of Ugandans
To many people in Uganda, radio is the first thing in the morning and last thing in the night. Radio has become a very important tool in our day-to-day life because its a source of news, entertainment and for many, radio enables them to participate in discussions. Radio is also a very portable tool and some people admit they love it because of this fact.