Uganda's education system is comprised of nursery, primary, secondary and finally universal education. Over the years technical schools, commonly known as vocational schools, have become an alternative to higher secondary and university, equipping students with technical skills that they can use to earn an income or start their own businesses.
Due to the implementation of Universal Primary and Secondary Education in 2007, children who would not have been able to attend school are able to access education for free-but it is not so clear cut. The schools are poorly funded and poorly structured; the students do not receive food while at school-a cost parents cannot afford to meet; but most of all, the teachers are poorly paid, if at all, and are thus not able to fulfill their duties to the best of their ability.
Review below the poll questions on these, and other issues with within Uganda's education sector.
A series of poll questions are conducted about the Ugandan education system. Is it efficient, is it practical, are students really benefiting and what are the bottlenecks involved?
Polls part of this campaign:
Do you think schools in Uganda should promote reading for pleasure, and not just for academics?
How do you grade the toilets and classrooms in your child's school?
What is the major cause of early marriages and high school dropout among girls in Kabarole District?
What do you think is the major cause of poor academic performance in UPE Schools in Kyenjojo District?
In the past year, have you been at a parents-teachers meeting at your childs school?
Is the Ugandan education system in Uganda still relevant to stand the test of today's challenges?
How many times a week is your child's teacher absent?
Which among these, ranks higher in obstructing the improvement of schools in lango subregion?
Would an increase in Salary reduce teacher absenteeism or is absenteeism a mentality problem? Send Salary or Mentality