Under the Common Matters 2 program, TRAC FM is working with 3 CSO partners and 10 radio stations across Uganda over a period of 2 years on awareness campaigns focusing on land rights, disability rights, and transitional justice. 

The Land rights campaign was conducted successfully and our second campaign, which kicked off in May 2019 focussed at raising awareness on the rights of People Living With Disabilities (PWDs) in Uganda.

According to the 2014 Uganda census report, 12.5% of Uganda’s total population (34.6 million) had at least one form of disability.  The report further indicates that the majority of people with disabilities in Uganda are female and mainly live in rural areas.

There is evidence to show that the basic human rights of Persons Living With Disabilities are violated within their homes, workplaces and the wider communities. For example, it is very common for parents or guardians to deny children with physical or mental disabilities the right to education.

The Disability Rights Awareness Campaign harnessed the power of interactive radio programming to share lived experiences of Persons With Disabilities and TRAC FM’s SMS polling software collected citizen-generated data that facilitated a strong data-driven advocacy campaign.

Disability Rights in Uganda: Full Report

Under this campaign, our major activities include; 

(i). Use of mini-radio drama series translated in 9 major local languages to bring the plight of the often silenced or overlooked persons with disabilities to light. The Radio drama offers a unique experience for minority voices to tell their stories through an engaging and entertaining format. You can listen to the drama episodes below

(ii). Use of Polls that rely on TRAC FM’s SMS polling software to collect public opinions to inform advocacy interventions. Under the polls, a nationwide average of 10.000 radio listeners responds to each Poll question by sending an SMS to TRAC FM’s toll-free short-code. The responses collected are processed into infographic information for consumption by the wider community.

Below are links to individual polls.

1. Poll One: What is your general feeling about Persons With Disabilities?

2. Poll Two: What should be done to encourage parents to take children with disabilities to school?

3. Poll Three: Have your LC3 representatives ever presented plans on improving the welfare of PWDs in your area?

4. Poll Four: If you would take care of someone with a mental disability, what is the main challenge you would face?

5. Poll Five: Should at least 5% of all government jobs go to persons with disabilities?

6. Poll Six: If the government was to extend small business loans, who do you think should be given priority?

7. Poll Seven: What would you do if you found out that a child with a disability was being mistreated at their home?

8. Poll Eight: What mental health problem impacts your community the most?

(iii). Use of Radio talk shows on selected topics on disability rights to raise awareness in a bid to increase knowledge and a better understanding of the unique needs and talents of Persons With Disabilities for better inclusion in society.

(iv). TRAC FM's programming also uses Vox pops that collects peoples views that broadcast on radio in order to generate discussion on disability rights as well as aid critical thinking amongst the masses to re-think some of the deep-rooted customs that violate disability rights.
