Count Name Created
79 Do you believe that individual citizen initiatives like the one by Barbra Allimadi is effective in fighting corruption? Aug 30, 2012 07:10
282 Have you ever eaten an orange sweet potato? Aug 29, 2012 23:18
171 Should citizens be more involved in improving public service delivery? Aug 29, 2012 19:06
91 "What can government do to improve overcrowded classrooms in UPE schools in acholi sub region?" Aug 28, 2012 23:09
98 "What is the biggest problem of UPE schools in Acholi sub region?" Aug 23, 2012 14:33
374 Which source of energy is the most effective in serving your energy needs? Aug 23, 2012 13:38
61 What has made the community policing strategy fail? Aug 23, 2012 07:09
98 Can the creation of more sub-counties improve service delivery in your district? Aug 22, 2012 18:55
138 Which area of service delivery should be prioritized on, in West-Nile Aug 18, 2012 15:28
58 Should tax-money be spent on promoting sports in Uganda when services like healthcare and education are still below standards? Aug 16, 2012 07:13
251 Why do you think Dokolo is perceived as the district with the best leadership and good governance in Lango sub-region? Aug 16, 2012 03:57
57 Do you see a considerable improvement in service delivery since PRDP started in 2007? Aug 15, 2012 19:29
53 If the Baganda value their cultural heritage so much, should the kingdom have made more effort in protecting them? Aug 09, 2012 07:00
308 In terms of good governance and leadership, which district in Lango is best managed and a good example for the other districts? Aug 09, 2012 00:41
247 What would be the best way to protect youth from contracting HIV? Aug 08, 2012 19:50
749 Do you believe Health centers are doing enough to prepare for a possible spread of the Ebola Virus in Ateso sub-region? Aug 03, 2012 18:29
8 What is the biggest problem of the Universal Primary Education (UPE) system? Aug 03, 2012 16:44
65 In the past days, did you personally avoid physical contact with people because of the ebola threat? Aug 01, 2012 22:37
42 do you support the governments plan to create 25 more districts? send sanyu and yes or no to 8282 Jul 26, 2012 05:56
463 do you support the governments plan to create more districts? send wa and yes or no to 8585 Jul 26, 2012 05:48
284 Which of these areas do you think needs the most attention to improve health centres in the Teso region? Jul 25, 2012 17:57
63 Which of these areas do you think needs the most attention to improve health services in Amuria? Jul 20, 2012 15:24
82 Were teachers justified to strike? Jul 19, 2012 07:07
239 Why do you think boreholes and other water sources are preferred to that of the NSWC in your Sub County? Jul 19, 2012 01:06
256 Were teachers justified to go on strike? Jul 18, 2012 19:17
Results 2476-2500 of 2558