Count Name Created
428 At what level can corruption best be targeted? Oct 04, 2012 13:42
58 Do you think this is a good time for walk to work protest to resume since Uganda is about to celebrate 50 years of independence? Oct 04, 2012 07:09
155 Do you think radio WA is doing enough in addressing issues of public service delivery Oct 03, 2012 22:30
114 Do you think corruption increased in the last 50 years since independence? Oct 03, 2012 21:53
394 What is the main reason for corruption in Uganda? Oct 03, 2012 18:54
90 What is the main reason for corruption in Uganda? Sep 26, 2012 17:00
908 What is the main reason for corruption in Uganda? Sep 26, 2012 16:51
351 What is the main reason for corruption in Uganda? Sep 26, 2012 16:46
308 In which type of employment is corruption most common? Sep 26, 2012 16:28
410 In your district, which sector of public services seems to have the highest level of corruption? Sep 24, 2012 18:24
51 Should the Ugandan government invest in subsidizing private health facilities or try and revive the public healthcare? Sep 20, 2012 06:57
73 In which type of employment is corruption most common? Sep 19, 2012 23:02
292 Do you think corruption increased in the last 50 years since independence? Sep 19, 2012 22:57
989 Do you think corruption increased in the last 50 years since independence? Sep 19, 2012 22:54
237 In your district, which sector of public services seems to have the highest level of corruption? Sep 19, 2012 17:35
65 What should KCCA prioritize on when planning for the heavy rains to come? Sep 13, 2012 07:07
313 In which type of employment is corruption most common? Sep 12, 2012 17:51
96 In your district, which sector of public services seems to have the highest level of corruption? Sep 12, 2012 17:48
769 In which type of employment is corruption most common? Sep 12, 2012 17:38
731 In your district, which sector of public services seems to have the highest level of corruption? Sep 06, 2012 17:28
60 Is the new development plan, "Vision 2040" feasible in transforming Uganda into a middle income country by 2017? Sep 06, 2012 07:07
214 How should leaders be made to account for community projects that are miss allocated in their areas? Sep 05, 2012 20:34
135 Which district in Acholi sub-region has the worst roads of the entire sub-region? Sep 05, 2012 19:56
485 Which District has the worst roads in Teso sub-region? Sep 05, 2012 19:36
254 What source of fuel do you think is best suitable to replace the damaging charcoal burning and firewood usage in West-nile? Aug 30, 2012 13:33
Results 2451-2475 of 2558