Count Name Created
20 Do NGOs in Uganda have the power to change our country for the better? Nov 14, 2012 18:25
12 Which of the following is the most sustainable solution to safe water supply that should be a priority in the budget? Nov 14, 2012 17:43
348 Do you think the power connections to Nyagak will solve the power problems in west Nile? Nov 07, 2012 18:58
423 If you had money, would you invest in UMEME shares? Nov 07, 2012 18:47
40 Which of the following is the major source of water for domestic use in your area? Nov 07, 2012 18:37
144 Which aspect in politics disturbs you the most? Nov 07, 2012 18:24
40 Does Obama appeal to you the same way he did when he first became President? Nov 07, 2012 17:46
38 Is cost-sharing in healthcare a solution to our medical problems? Nov 01, 2012 13:21
24 What would be the best way forward regarding the Intensive Care Unit in Mulago? Oct 31, 2012 19:12
475 Who should be held more accountable for the poor infrastructure in Government aided schools? Oct 31, 2012 18:44
409 Which of the following do you think is the major factor affecting the performance of health attendants? Oct 31, 2012 18:34
4 What do you think would be a systematic way to effectively get rid of counterfeit phones in Uganda? Oct 31, 2012 17:40
59 Should school hours be drastically cut? Oct 25, 2012 07:27
471 How do you rate the services offered by health attendants at the health facilities in your area? Oct 25, 2012 00:59
99 Which of the following would be the best solution to improve the professionalism of medical staff? Oct 25, 2012 00:37
730 What do you think would be a systematic way to effectively get rid of counterfeit phones in Uganda? Oct 24, 2012 23:37
94 What would you do if you knew that illegal re-budgeting was taking place? Oct 24, 2012 19:43
59 Do you think cooperatives hold the key to food security in Uganda? Oct 18, 2012 07:03
29 In your district, which of these do you think needs the most attention to improve health services? Oct 17, 2012 18:53
309 If you were to submit a proposal for this fund, which of the following ventures would you prioritize? Oct 17, 2012 18:21
346 Who of the following would most likely be influential in resolving the disputes that are causing tension among the Teso Leaders? Oct 17, 2012 17:41
355 What is the major cause of domestic violence in the rural areas of West Nile? Oct 17, 2012 17:13
79 Which of these most accurately describes your personal feelings regarding Uganda's 50 years of independence? Oct 11, 2012 07:08
101 Which area of service delivery should be prioritized on in Acholi sub region? Oct 10, 2012 18:32
322 Which of these are most important in order to turn Uganda into a first world country in the next 50 years? Oct 10, 2012 18:23
Results 2426-2450 of 2558