Count Name Created
44 Do you think it is worthwhile for another university to be built in Soroti to serve the Teso sub region? Aug 11, 2014 13:26
115 In your district, were you able to successfully register for your national identity card? Aug 11, 2014 12:54
1502 Do you think the Government has the ability to motivate health workers with better pay and other benefits? Aug 11, 2014 11:10
1 Do you think Uganda's health system is well prepared for the deadly Ebola outbreak? Aug 11, 2014 10:56
1249 In your opinion,does Uganda have the medical infrastracture,staff and drug stock to handle epidemics like ebola and cholera? Aug 11, 2014 10:53
185 In your district, what should the government focus on with their 5.6 billion shillings investment to develop Northern Uganda? Aug 07, 2014 08:53
169 What do you think should be a priority of development for Gulu to become a city? Aug 04, 2014 13:40
2009 How can we control maternal mortality rates? Aug 04, 2014 12:12
0 What do you think causes drugs to run out of stock in health centers? Aug 04, 2014 11:55
2010 What do you think causes drugs to run out of stock in health centers? Aug 04, 2014 11:38
66 Do you think the move by the local council to abolish speaking Ateso in schools will improve students' academic performance? Aug 04, 2014 11:22
289 How would you rate the Bobi Wine Show this season? Jul 30, 2014 20:01
697 How do you think corruption has affected the education sector? Jul 30, 2014 12:56
0 Which issues do you think should be the main focus for women in Uganda? Jul 30, 2014 12:32
1176 Which issues do you think should be the main focus for women in Uganda? Jul 29, 2014 09:30
109 Will the government investing in fish farming attract farmers to seek employment in that industry? Jul 28, 2014 13:11
39 Will the government investing in fish farming attract farmers to seek employment in that industry? Jul 28, 2014 13:04
127 Do you think that the government investing in fish farming will attract farmers to seek employment in that industry? Jul 28, 2014 12:52
96 In your district, do you think there is a serious problem of underage drinking? Jul 21, 2014 14:18
181 In your district, do you think there is a serious problem of underage drinking? Jul 21, 2014 14:14
122 In your district, do you think there is a serious problem of underage drinking? Jul 21, 2014 14:06
1892 Do you think the salary increment for teachers in the 2014/15 budget will improve teachers’ performance? Jul 21, 2014 11:02
2652 How do you grade the classrooms and toilets in your child's school? Jul 21, 2014 10:53
0 What can be done to get children in school and reduce primary school drop outs? Jul 18, 2014 15:17
216 Do parents who visit their children at school regularly encourage them to perform better in school? Jul 16, 2014 18:29
Results 1801-1825 of 2558