Count Name Created
173 Do you think President Museveni’s decision to put UPDF in charge of the NAADS program will improve delivery of services? May 29, 2014 11:30
309 Do you think President Museveni’s decision to put UPDF in charge of the NAADS program will improve delivery of services? May 28, 2014 17:50
193 Do you think President Museveni’s decision to put UPDF in charge of the NAADS program will improve delivery of services? May 28, 2014 17:50
49 Coaching helps pupils in learning May 26, 2014 15:08
0 Do you know where to go to register for your national Identity card? May 22, 2014 17:05
11 Should President Museveni remain the Chairman of the NRM Party? May 21, 2014 22:53
158 Should President Museveni remain the Chairman of the NRM Party? May 21, 2014 12:36
118 Should President Museveni remain the Chairman of the NRM Party? May 21, 2014 12:36
122 Does talking to children about their academics motivate them to learn? May 19, 2014 10:33
102 Do you think a law that makes it a crime to intentionally transmit HIV to another person can reduce HIV infections in Uganda? May 14, 2014 20:50
47 Do you support the law that would make it a criminal offence to intentionally transmit HIV to another person? May 13, 2014 07:07
53 Do you support the law that would make it a criminal offence to intentionally transmit HIV to another person? May 13, 2014 07:06
208 Should pregnant students be forced to leave University? May 07, 2014 17:59
0 Do you know where to go to register for your national Identity card? May 07, 2014 14:53
173 How much money does government pay for each pupil under UPE per year? May 07, 2014 13:29
90 Should pregnant students be forced to leave University? May 06, 2014 18:11
105 Should pregnant students be forced to leave University? May 06, 2014 18:11
188 What do you think the United States of America should prioritize on? Apr 30, 2014 12:48
206 What do you think the United States of America should prioritize on? Apr 29, 2014 09:26
106 What do you think the United States of America should prioritize on? Apr 29, 2014 09:26
18 Do you know where to go to register for your national Identity card? Apr 24, 2014 10:06
286 Do you know where to go to register for your national Identity card? Apr 23, 2014 08:18
185 Do you know where to go to register for your national Identity card? Apr 21, 2014 18:03
138 Do you know where to go to register for your national Identity card? Apr 21, 2014 18:03
154 Do you think that increasing consent age from 18 to 21 years will reduce the cases of teenage pregnancy? Apr 16, 2014 21:24
Results 1851-1875 of 2558