Count Name Created
98 Do you think that increasing consent age from 18 to 21 years will reduce the cases of teenage pregnancy? Apr 14, 2014 23:42
76 Do you think that increasing consent age from 18 to 21 years will reduce the cases of teenage pregnancy? Apr 14, 2014 23:42
205 Now that you have heard the story of Florence, Rolland, Nora & Esteri & their experiences with OSP, what's your plan? LIBERTY Apr 10, 2014 13:16
33 What is your opinion on the new curriculum which makes Kiswahili a compulsory subject for all students from S.1 to S.4? Apr 10, 2014 06:47
72 What is your opinion on the new curriculum which makes Kiswahili a compulsory subject for all students from S.1 to S.4? Apr 07, 2014 17:38
95 What is your opinion on the new curriculum which makes Kiswahili a compulsory subject for all students from S.1 to S.4? Apr 07, 2014 17:37
73 Which of the following do you identify with or value most? Mar 31, 2014 15:33
78 Which of the following do you identify with or value most? Mar 31, 2014 15:33
110 Which of the following do you identify with or value most? Mar 31, 2014 15:07
223 Which of the following is the best way to promote patriotism? Mar 24, 2014 20:56
173 Which of the following is the best way to promote patriotism? Mar 24, 2014 20:55
172 Which of the following is the best way to promote patriotism? Mar 24, 2014 20:54
141 Which of the following do you think contributed most to improved PLE performance in 2013 in Kyenjojo District? Mar 19, 2014 17:00
220 What kind of effect does the anti-pornography law have on your district? Mar 17, 2014 18:30
183 What kind of effect does the anti-pornography law have on your district? Mar 17, 2014 18:30
171 What kind of effect does the anti-pornography law have on your district? Mar 17, 2014 18:28
95 Do you think local leaders can address young people concerns if the youths spoke out? Why do you think so? Mar 07, 2014 09:11
63 Do you think local leaders can address young people concerns if the youths spoke out? Why do you think so? Mar 07, 2014 09:11
117 How do you rate the performance of your District LC5 Chairperson in service in 2013? Mar 06, 2014 08:48
355 Now that you have heard the story of Florence, Rolland, Nora & Esteri & their experiences with OSP, what is your plan? MUHABURA Feb 26, 2014 09:14
188 What do you like the most about orange sweet potatoes in this drama? - LIBERTY Feb 26, 2014 09:10
58 Now that you have heard the story of Florence, Rolland, Nora & Esteri & their experiences with OSP, what do you plan to do? CBS Feb 26, 2014 08:52
237 What do you like the most about orange sweet potatoes in this drama? - CBS Feb 18, 2014 14:49
30 What do you think inspired Rolland to denounce his friend Kenneth? - KIBAALE Feb 18, 2014 14:46
206 What do you think inspired Rolland to denounce his friend Kenneth? - LIBERTY FM Feb 18, 2014 14:41
Results 1876-1900 of 2558