TRAC FM powers Wottazela 3.0 for Simavi and Watershed

TRAC FM's water campaigns under the name 'Wottazela' has successfully provided the Dutch Watershed program with citizen feedback on water provision. Wottazela 3.0 ran under the Watershed programme in collaboration with HEWASA, Simavi, IRC and Radio Jubilee in Fort Portal, Uganda. The campaign aimed to retrieve citizen feedback in Kabarole District through radio shows and poll questions about the governance and management of water, sanitation and hygiene services as well as of the water resources in communities. This campaign gathered more evidence-based feedback which is needed for effective dialogue within the Watershed programme.

Increasing banana productivity In Uganda through promotion of good farming practices.

TRAC FM  has partnered with the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) and International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) to run a radio campaign aimed at disseminating Information on good farming practices that support increased banana productivity.

Promoting the use of efficient, clean cooking and lighting alternatives at national level.

TRAC FM  is working with Environmental Alert and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Uganda Office to implement a  data-driven advocacy radio campaign on promoting the use of efficient, clean cooking and lighting alternatives at national level; and in at least 20 districts in the Albertine Graben. 

Common Matters 2 - TRAC FM's flagship program

Building on the achievements of the Common Matters 1 program, this year, TRAC FM is pleased to introduce the Common Matters 2 program. In this program, TRAC FM will work with 3 CSO partners and 10 radio stations across Uganda over a period of 2 years.

Addressing Uganda's transparency and accountability Challenges

Uganda faces numerous T&A challenges, including limited access and re-use of public sector information, opaqueness in government operations, multiple fragmented actors, and lack of technical skills and capacity for demand and supply of data for T&A, among others. 

The Right to Health: Interactive Radio and Polling Campaign.

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) is an indigenous, non-profit, research and advocacy organization which is pioneering the enforcement of human rights and the justiciability of the right to health in Eastern Africa.

Common Matters

TRAC FM works with selected CSOs and activist groups and 9 radio stations in Uganda to boost 5 advocacy campaigns in 1 year. Topics include women's rights, Malaria and sexual education. 

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